
Welcome to Dyrgard! Here, you'll find important information about the use of our website . Please take a moment to read through the following terms and conditions.


Intellectual Property

The content provided on this website is intended for your personal use and reference. You are free to access, view, and use the information, provided you do not copy, distribute, or engage in any form of misuse. Reuse of the content must strictly adhere to mandatory legal provisions.

Unauthorized reproduction or utilization of text, photographs, or any other materials from this website without express written consent from Dyrgard is strictly prohibited. All intellectual property rights remain vested in Dyrgard.


No Warranty of Accuracy

While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information presented on our website, Dyrgard cannot guarantee that all data is entirely error-free. Any errors that may occur, particularly those identifiable as programming or typographical mistakes, do not constitute grounds for a binding contract or agreement with Dyrgard.

We strive to maintain the website's currency; however, we cannot be held responsible for incomplete or incorrect information or content. The information and/or products provided on this website are offered without any warranty or claim of absolute accuracy. Dyrgard reserves the right to amend, remove, or repost materials without prior notice.



The prices listed on our website are presented with the utmost accuracy and intention. In the event of any discrepancies or inaccuracies due to programming or typographical errors, they do not establish a contractual obligation with Dyrgard.



This website may contain hyperlinks leading to external websites. Dyrgard holds no responsibility for the content found on these linked sites.


Changes to Disclaimer

If any alterations are made to this disclaimer, you will find the most recent version on this page.

For any further inquiries or requests regarding the use of content from this website, please contact us at [info@dyrgard.com].


Thank you for visiting Dyrgard!